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Survive adapt succeed in today’s workplace

William AlexandreLu par Jack Phenix

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Do you look forward to going to work in the morning? You do? Well, if that really is the case, then you are part of a happy minority. Recently I read an eye-opening article on a study which concluded that for more than nine out of ten employees, the answer was a resounding “No”. But do we really need studies and statistics to tell us what most of us already know through personal experience or from what those close to us actually say?

– Survive adapt succeed in today’s workplace

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  • Auteur(s) : William Alexandre
  • Genre : Business et carrière
  • Narrateur(s) : Jack Phenix
  • Droits audio : MOove
  • Date de publication : 31/07/2023
  • ISBN : 9781916702035
  • Durée : 419 min
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« How do you get to keep your job, advance your career, overcome your fear of unemployment, and achieve greater peace of mind? And above all, how do you do all this in an environment which is becoming ever more complicated and competitive? William Alexandre provides pragmatic answers to these questions and more in Survive, Adapt and Succeed in Today’s Workplace.

William Alexandre raised himself from hardship and failure to become a respected expert in a major international group. In the space of just a few years, he succeeded in kick-starting his career and multiplying his salary by nine.

In this life-changing essay on career development, William Alexandre shares straightforward lessons drawn from his own very real success with humility and honesty. He also offers practical advice on how to overcome fear, stress, disappointment and discouragement so that the best version of yourself can flourish in the workplace.

Economics and finance graduate William Alexandre has spent over twenty years working alongside the directors of the world’s leading corporations. He has lived and worked in several countries and is today recognized throughout the world as an expert in his field.

He also knows what it’s like to be unemployed and overdrawn at the end of the month. »

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